Sunday, December 09, 2007

I am going to miss THE HILLS!!!

I am going to like so miss THE HILLS!!! Lauren Conrad pictured here was the epicenter of the entire show but with her daring cast of friends (my favorites-- Audrina and Whitney) and foes(Spencer and Heidi) you learn that THE HILLS is a classic reality show with a whole lot of drama.

I know it seems weird but I started to stay tuned to this show when Lauren, 21 decided to move to LA to pursue her dream in fashion and show us what life is like when you live the rich and fashionable life. With a die-for internship at Teen Vogue she narrates the show and makes it "as funny as it sounds" believeable that rich people hurt too..!!! HAHAH

Another thing that I loved about THE HILLS was the fashion sense. Brands were schlepped around like a bag of potatos in Idaho and I decided to showcase a montage of them below.

I am so going to miss the Hills and I am hoping that all goes well with Lauren and Brody.

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